Rock Your Network®

It’s not what you know; it’s who you know. We’ve all heard this phrase so many times our ears are bleeding, right? Whether you’re looking for a new gig, promotion or business, networking is the No. 1 way to net results.
Has this ever happened to you?
Every time you attend a networking event, you come home with loads of business cards and no real connections.
You walk into a room where you don’t know anybody and wonder who to talk to and what to say.
You’re great at making new connections, but not so great at maintaining them.
Everyone says you should be on LinkedIn or some other social networking platform, but you don’t know which platform is best for you or how to use it when you’re already too busy.
You hear the word networking and instantly picture a 2-hour lunch where someone wants to pick your brain or try to sell you something.
Cringe-worthy, right? Who has the time?
What if you could learn a proven way to network withOUT sounding like a beggar? And know how to choose the right networking groups, events, and social media tools for YOU and your goals? What if you could learn ways to make your network thrive in just minutes a day?
You’re in? Then Rock Your Network® is for you! Learn — and use — my 3-step Rock Your Network® system to network with ease and make new connections (and revive old ones) anytime, anywhere – online or off.
Let’s roll! Book your session today and see how we can work together to help you be a networking rock star.
PS: Need help staying top of mind with your network online?
Check out Postoplan, where you can schedule social media posts in advance saving time, while staying top of mind.

Schedule a FREE 30-minute session with me on how you can use the Rock Your Network® system for your career or business.
I have never in my career worked a network; you gave me the tools and confidence to do so! I am in awe how people are so willing to help and how small this world really is. I am just waiting to see if I am just six connections from Kevin Bacon. I believe in this program so much.
— Judi, Vice President, Managing Editor and ExPat relocated from the U.S. to China and the UK.
I have taken your advice and have been networking like a mad woman! I have had a website made and am actively pursuing media ventures. I have a personal brand in the making and cannot wait to see what the next chapter brings. Your presentation got me out of my shell (which was not an easy task) and into the realm of networking. I cannot thank you enough.
— Dr. Gretchen landed a guest appearance on the Dr. Oz show.

Rock Your Network®
Hate to network? Help is here!
You’ve got what it takes to network online or off in just 5 minutes a day. Let me help you make it happen with my book, Rock Your Network® for Job Seekers.
In Rock Your Network®, you will learn:
- What to say about what you do, using my simple 3-step system.
- How to create a Rock Star bio for LinkedIn.
- How to network at conferences, networking events, on the job, and even when you’re waiting in line.
- How to network withOUT feeling like a beggar.
- The ONE SECRET that ensures your network is there for you when you need it.